
I'm Jasur Rahmonov

Junior Frontend developer

More about me

About me

Hi, My name is Jasur and I am a Junior Frontend Developer. I am 26 y.o now and I know I am too old to be junior developer, but late better than never. After 6-year of study and 6 month's of work in the field of economics, I understood that I had to make "now-or-never" desicion. And here I am, everyday trying to learn something new.

During 5 months (2 of them, as an intern), as a frontend developer, I made 10+ commercial projects. You may see my projects in portfolio section.

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  • Skills
  • Education
  • Experience

Web Technologies

HTML 85%

CSS 80%

SaaS 80%

BootStrap 45%

JavaScript 45%

GitHub 75%

PHP 35%

WordPress 35%

Practical Skills

English 85%

Presentations 80%

Math 80%

Russian 45%

The University of Ulsan

The University of Ulsan was founded on February 19, 1969. The university is located in Mugeo-dong, Ulsan, South Korea. The University currently has approximately 10,500 students enrolled and is included in the list of TOP 500 universities in the world


Education years:2018 - not finished


University website

The University of World Economy and Diplomacy

The University of World Economy and Diplomacy (UWED) was established on September 23, 1992. It is functioning under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It is a higher educational institution that provides training, retraining and advanced training for specialists and academic staff.

Faculty:International Economic Relations

Education years:2013 - 2018

Degree:Bachelor's Degree

University website

Dec, 2020 - Present

Junior web developer


After 6-month education, I thought it was time to apply what I learned in real projects. And I always will be grateful Kirano.uz for having given me such a great opportunity.

Dec, 2019 - April, 2020


Discover Invest

Having came back to motherland, I decided to work in my "native" field. However, after 5 months, I had to make "now-or-never" desicion, because I feel I am going to regret after 50 years if everything goes on its current way.

What i do


Any website I created so far had the feature of responsiveness.

Different websites

Along my work experience, I made different kinds of websites such as landing page, corporate and catalogue websites.


In our country, most people can talk and understand russian and uzbek language simultenously. So, most of web-studios can offer bilungual websites. But since I had 7.0 from IELTS, I can make multi-language websites.

Clean Code

By writing clean code, not only me, but also the coders going to see my codes after some period can understand them easily.

Seo marketing

Website without promotion is just a bunch of 1 and 0 symbols. Therefore, it is important to know how to promote the websites.

Great Support

I always try to reply clients feedbacks and to correct some points in websites.

Latest works

all Landing Pages Corporate websites catalogue learnings
portfolio view project

personal portfolio

Project Brief:

Personal portfolio is the place where I collected all my works. Here you may know what I am capable of or not.

Project info

  • Date - 2021
  • ClientMyself
  • ToolsHTML5, CSS3, JS, Jquery and others
  • WebNot uploaded yet
portfolio view project

Keystone project

Project Brief:

Keystone.uz - project for house construction firm. In this project, clip-path-hover effect is implemented.

Project info

  • Date: 2021
  • Client:Keystone
  • Tools:HTML5, CSS3, JS
  • Web:keystone.uz
portfolio view project

Woodworld project

Project Brief:

My second project was to make a landing page for company specialized in producing wood products.

Project info

  • Date: 2021
  • Client:Company Woodworld
  • Tools:HTML, CSS, JS
  • Web:woodworld.uz
astral view project

Astral Build

Project Brief:

My third project was related to water building construction like pools, hammams and equipments. In this project, I learned how to JSON data since product catalog consisted of about 100 goods.

Project info

  • Date:2021
  • Client:Astral Build
  • Tools:HTML, CSS, JS
  • Web:astralbuild.uz
yano-old view project

Yano-old Project

Project Brief:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, optio. Voluptatibus mollitia minima nam corporis? Quisquam exercitationem quos minus. Cumque.

Project info

  • Date - 2021
  • Clientxyz
  • ToolsHTML, CSS, JS
  • Weblink.uz
yano-new view project

Yano-new Project

Project Brief:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, optio. Voluptatibus mollitia minima nam corporis? Quisquam exercitationem quos minus. Cumque.

Project info

  • Date - 2021
  • Clientxyz
  • ToolsHTML, CSS, JS
  • Weblink.uz
portfolio view project

Chinabad sanatorium

Project Brief:

Keystone.uz - project for house construction firm. In this project, clip-path-hover effect is implemented.

Project info

  • Date: 2021
  • Client:Keystone
  • Tools:HTML5, CSS3, JS
  • Web:keystone.uz
portfolio view project

Orient Consult

Project Brief:

Keystone.uz - project for house construction firm. In this project, clip-path-hover effect is implemented.

Project info

  • Date: 2021
  • Client:Keystone
  • Tools:HTML5, CSS3, JS
  • Web:keystone.uz
saazgram view project

Saazgram blog

Project Brief:

Saazgram - project for house construction firm. In this project, clip-path-hover effect is implemented.

Project info

  • Date: 2021
  • Client:Keystone
  • Tools:HTML5, CSS3, JS
  • Web:keystone.uz

Personal portfolio

Category - Web Application

Project Brief:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, optio. Voluptatibus mollitia minima nam corporis? Quisquam exercitationem quos minus. Cumque.

Project info

  • Date: 2021
  • Client: xyz
  • Tools: HRML, CSS, JS
  • Web: link.uz
Project details

Theme colors